Thursday, December 17, 2009

Social Anxiety Condition_symptoms What Should I Do About My Social Anxiety - About To Apply To Universty?

What should I do about my social anxiety - about to apply to universty? - social anxiety condition_symptoms

I plan to have the school of medicine at Oxford or Cambridge-block, in December, but I am suffering from social anxiety disorder so bad. I never speak unless sum1 talk 2 and I am very excited in class and about people. I need more extracurricular activities, volunterring to start work experience, etc., but my social anxiety that makes it so difficult. What should I do?

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    Sebastiaan here, ex social anxiety sufferer :-)

    There are several things you can do. Medicine is one, but even though you are going to study medicine, in this case I would stay away from it (note that I'm NOT a medical doctor).

    This because there are real solutions for social anxiety, without any form of medicine.

    You just have to know what to do and how to do it. I have tried just about any tool, therapy and technique out there to overcome my social anxiety disorder. Some things helped better than others. In about 4 years of hard work on myself and trying all I could find, I might've solved 40% of my social anxiety. At best.

    The remaining social anxiety I've solved much, much quicker. I did this using a tool called EFT. It stands for Emotional Freedom Technique.

    EFT is a psychological form of acupuncture. But in EFT there are no needles involved. Instead, you use our fingertips to tap on specific meridian points on your body.

    EFT combines elements of cognitive therapy, somatic intervention, and brief exposure therapy. The tapping on the points on the body induces a mini-REM state in the brain. This re-organizes how we store and process information.

    The premise of EFT is that "the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system."

    And when you tap on specific meridian points on your body while being focused in on your "problem", the disruption in your energy system gets balanced out and due to that the negative emotions disappears.

    I know, you now probably think I lost it...

    ...Or that I'm some weird airy-fairy woo-woo guy that believes in ghosts and fairy tales.

    But trust me, this stuff really works!

    I was extremely skeptical in the beginning myself as well, but I have applied it to myself successfully, have undergone training and have healed over a hundred people of several different emotional issues. Including social phobia’s...

    Seriously, this weird looking technique is an amazing tool to solve your social anxiety disorder. It's the best out there, hands down.

    You can read a bit more about what it is here: (and on that page you can also link to a page about the scientific proof of EFT working):

    Or you can visit the official EFT website:

    I have a video on youtube where I guide you through an EFT process to make you feel more calm and relieve your anxiety in the moment.
    Try it out and experience it for yourself :

    On my site, I write about all the things that helped in my journey to overcoming social anxiety and building the social life of my dreams. A few pages are dedicated to explaining EFT and I also have some free videos explaining you how to deal with specific social anxiety, once you subscribe to my free newsletter.

    Hope that helps.

    All the best to you and merry Xmas!


    P.S. I offer my online 1 on 1 skype coaching program on my site as well in case you are interested. Here I coach you to social confidence within 3 months.
