Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Auditory What Can I Do As A Parent At Home This Summer To Help My Son With Auditory Dyslexia?

What can I do as a parent at home this summer to help my son with auditory dyslexia? - auditory

He was just diagnosed with dyslexia hearing last week. He also has ADHD.


  1. Find out everything you overcome hearing about dyslexia - the more you know about your problems, help in a better position to you challenges. I plan to read that a firm will help a person with auditory dyslexia. Talk to your doctor, etc., teachers, for more concrete proposals, because I personally know him, and their strengths and weaknesses.

  2. Beginning of the study of dyslexia, Sally Shaywitz Google and buy the book to overcome dyslexia.
    Save Homeschool Yahoo group for parents of homeschoolers with dyslexia, which is impressive.
    Best Website
    Books on tape.
    What is auditory dyslexia? The terminology is constantly changing.

  3. Try to Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic and see if you can help:
